At the moment, due to high demand the delivery time is approx. 3 to 4 weeks to countries within the European Union.
Our technology is guaranteed for 2 years:
-In case of failure if the machine is under warranty, we try to repair it in origin with local technicians, if it is not possible, it is sent to the factory and returned repaired or new depending on the failure.
-If the machine is not under warranty, we try to repair it at source or send it to the factory to be repaired at the customer's expense.
1st PREFILTER: This is the first in the water purification process.
Duration: Between 6 months and one year depending on the environmental conditions.
2nd FILTER: This is the second filtering process after the pre-filter.
Duration: between 6 months and one year depending on environmental conditions.
3rd REVERSE OSMOSIS: This is the third filtering process.
Duration: 1 to 2 years depending on environmental conditions.
4th ACTIVATED CARBON FILTER: This is the fourth filtering process. Clean water arrives to this filter due to the previous processes, in it we guarantee the elimination of possible germs (very improbable) that have not been eliminated in the previous processes.
5th SILVER FILTER: With this filtering system, we guarantee that any virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast, etc... that may have survived the previous filtering processes and which is very unlikely to have survived, will be completely eliminated. This system is unique to aqua3 and no one else has it.
Duration: 5 years
6o UV LIGHT IN DEPOSIT: This system also eliminates any harmful germs in the deposited water.
The AQUA3 atmospheric water production machine consists of several water filtering and purification systems.
*In the event of a breakdown, if the machine is under warranty, an attempt is made to repair it at source with local technicians. If this is not possible, it is sent to the factory and returned repaired or new, depending on the breakdown.
*If the machine is not under warranty, we try to repair it at source or send it to the factory to be repaired at the customer's expense.
OP 2: FILTER ( 50 - 150 - 500 - 1000 - 2000 - 5000 litres X day)
With our atmospheric water production machines, we help the environment, as we avoid the contamination of plastic bottles on the planet, since it would no longer be necessary to buy water in PET or POLYCARBONATE plastic bottles, thus avoiding the disposal of millions of plastic bottles every day with the consequent contamination of our environment.
In short, we prevent thousands of tonnes of plastic bottles from ending up polluting our seas, rivers, etc.
You contact us and in maximum 1 week or sooner you will have them.
The price of carbon filters is around 30 euros and Reverse Osmosis filters are around 45 euros.
For a household consumption of approximately 5000 litres per year we recommend changing the cartridges, for more details please contact our team.
With your own Atmospheric Condensation Water Technology, you will save time and effort by not having to go to the supermarket to buy bottles and carafes of water almost every day, thus avoiding carrying and storing them.
The water we produce with our atmospheric condensation technology is of the best and purest possible quality in the world.
The possibility of contamination of plastic bottled water and the possibility of transmission of endocrine disruptors to the water itself, with the risk of developing different types of illnesses, is well known.
Also, according to recent studies, drinking tap water also has the potential to cause different types of cancer due to heavy metals, fluoride, pathogenic micro-organisms, trichloromethanes, which are a by-product of the chlorine that is added to water to kill germs...
In Spain it is 220 volts.
Not in relation to other models the consumption is similar or lower.
Yes, it is manufactured in Spain.
It sounds like an air-conditioning fan.
If relative humidity is necessary, the more humidity the more water production, the less humidity the less water production.
If you tell us the coordinates of where the machine will go, we can make an estimate.
With our latest technologies we have created this revolutionary new concept of ‘Self-consumption of water’.
It is now a reality that a single-family house ‘manufactures its own water’, thus avoiding water cuts due to the severe drought.
We can now have super quality water in isolated houses, produce water on oil rigs, ships, etc.
Our technology is the best and cheapest solution to produce water where it does not exist.
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